Elected and Appointed Members of the
St. Charles County Democratic Central Committee
We are the

The St. Charles County Democratic Central Committee is led by a diverse group of citizens representing different faiths, ages, genders and professions. We are bound by a common love for our community and our country with the goal that every citizen should have an equal opportunity to be educated and prosper.
As Committee Members, we represent the Missouri Democratic Party in St. Charles County and perform functions as required by the laws of the State of Missouri, the Charter and By-Laws of the Democratic Party of the United States, and the Constitution and By-Laws of the Missouri Democratic Party.
The Central Committee has many sub-committees and we are always happy to welcome any new Democrats who want to help with our party-building activities. Our main focus is getting qualified, dedicated, knowledgeable, and honest candidates who will lead us locally, statewide and nationally with Democratic values.
Contact Central Committee Chairman Donald Looney at donaldlooney@gmail.com for more information about the next meeting.